File Management Tools

A VTScada application is stored as a set of files within a folder.

If your VTScada license is for a run time only release and does not include configuration options, then only the run time version of your application files will have been distributed to you. You cannot view or edit those files. If you have a configuration license for your VTScada installation, and source code files for your application, then you can review pages and configuration settings directly in files, and may perform configuration by editing those files.

VTScada is able to detect when files of the recognized types have been added, removed or edited in the application folder. These are flagged, but not used until an authorized person uses either the Import File Changes button or the Import/Export Files dialog.

VTScada makes a distinction between "user files" (those that humans can be read), "working files" (compiled versions of the user files), and "repository files" (working files that are part of the version control system). Work only with the user files. Any attempt to modify a working file or repository file will either be ignored, or cause irreparable damage to your application.