NMEA 0183 Driver

Not counted towards your tag license limit.

The National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) is a non-profit association of manufacturers, distributors, dealers, educational institutions, and others interested in peripheral marine electronics occupations. The NMEA 0183 standard defines an electrical interface and data protocol for communications between marine instrumentation.

The protocol consists of ASCII sentences and data fields within the sentences.

Related Application Properties

NMEADriverSharedRPC - Set to TRUE (1) to share one RPC service. Defaults to FALSE (0). drivernameSharedRPC properties are stored in Settings.Startup, not Settings.Dynamic. Changes require a restart of the application in order to take effect.

Server List

Select (or create) a named server list. (Driver Server Lists) Servers for the list must be defined using the Application Configuration dialog, as described in Servers for Specific Services. Smaller sites that do not have multiple servers, or that use only the default server list, need not configure this field.

NMEA 0183 Driver properties Configuration tab

The Configuration tab includes the following properties:

Serial or TCP/IP Port

Select the Serial or TCP/IP tag that will provide the address and port to be used when communicating with the PLC.

Time-Out Limit

The time that the driver will wait for a response before setting an error or retrying.


Select this to have I/O tags attached to the driver hold their last value in the event of a communication failure. If not selected, tags will have their value set to invalid on a communication failure.

Use LRC on Writes

Select this option if a longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) will be performed on driver writes.