PVR Report Entity Tag

PVR Report Entity tags are created automatically as children of PVR Report Definition Tags.
Do not create these tags yourself. To add more to a PVR Report, use the Number of Report Entity Tags control within the parent tag.

Configuration of each PVR Report Entity tag is up to you and must be done manually.

A PVR Entity tag defines the data (report columns) from Meter Run Tags, to be included in a row of a PVR Report for a Flow Computer (Flow Computer Tags). When the report runs, a row will be created for each meter run / report entity pair that you configure.


Each Report Entity tag can have up to 20 columns.

PVR Report Entity properties Entity Parameters tab

Parameter labels may vary according to the selected Value Type. "Unused" indicates that a parameter does not apply to the selected Value Type.

Configure column numbers in order beginning with 1.
For each column, select the Value Type before configuring any other property of a column.

It is normal for the parameter backgrounds to turn orange when configured. The Report Entity tags are created automatically, therefore your configuration will count as overrides of the properties.

Make a note of the content of each column. You will need this information later when matching Flow Meters to Report Entities.


Optional. Sets the title to use in the column for this entity.


Scaling Factor

Value Types:

May be any of the following. For each Value Type, other related parameters are described as appropriate.


A constant, user-defined text string. No other parameters apply.

Tag Variable

Variable or parameter of a tag below a flow meter. For example, a tag's ShortName, Description, etc. The Value Source must include the path to the tag within the Meter structure, followed by the parameter or variable name.


Optional. Used only with numeric value.

Scaling Factor

Optional. Applied to parameters having a numeric value.

Value Source

The path to the tag and the name of the parameter within that tag. Paths are relative to the Meter Run tag.
Example: Process\Energy\ShortName

Convert UWI

Converts a UWI or LSD value to a standard PVR formatted value, removing any spaces or special characters from the UWI. The following special characters are removed from the UWI string: (-_: /\)

Value Source

The Value Source should be the tag parameter or variable that contains the UWI, relative to the tag that is the basis for the report. For example, if you want to use the UWI from your Meter Run tag’s description then your source would simply be Description

Contract Hour Data

Used to retrieve daily history values that have been timestamped at a particular contract hour. Typically used for devices that have daily logs.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display

Scaling Factor

The value is multiplied by the scaling factor prior to being added to the report

Value Source

The Value Source should be the name of the tag that is associated with the history, relative to the tag that is the basis for the report. For example, Daily\Flow Duration

Time Frame Notes

This value type will return the oldest value logged between the day’s start time and its end time.

The start time is taken to be:

Production Date + 24 Hours + Contract Hour

While the end time is taken to be:

Start time + 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

For example, if the report production date is June 5th and the contract hour is 8, the report will attempt to retrieve data with a timestamp of June 6th at 08:00.

Contract Hour Data (Lag)

Similar to Contract Hour Data value type, but without the 24-hour time shift.

Time Frame Notes

This value type will return the oldest value logged between the day’s start time and its end time.

The start time is taken to be:

Production Date + Contract Hour

While the end time is taken to be:

Start time + 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.

For example, if the report production date is June 5th and the contract hour is 8, the report will attempt to retrieve data with a timestamp of June 5th at 08:00.

Production Date

Outputs the production date of the report in a user-defined format.

Value Source

Specifies the format of the date. Refer to reference topics, Date Codes (predefined) or Date Formatting Strings

Data Without Timestamp

Used to report daily values from a device that does not support timestamped data.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display

Scaling Factor

The value is multiplied by the scaling factor prior to being added to the report

Value Source

The Value Source should be the name of the tag that is associated with the history, relative to the tag that is the basis for the report. For example, “Process\Energy”.

Time Frame Notes

This value type will return the oldest value logged between the day’s start time and its end time.

The start time is taken to be:

Production Date + Contract Hour

The end time is taken to be the start time + 24 hours

Daily Statistic

Used to retrieve a simple statistical value of a tag’s historical values over the contract hour period.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display

Scaling Factor

The value is multiplied by the scaling factor prior to being added to the report

Value Source

The Value Source should be the name of the tag that is associated with the history, relative to the tag that is the basis for the report. For example, “Process\Energy”.

Column Stat Type

The statistical calculation to perform on the data.

Time Frame Notes

This value type will return the oldest value logged between the day’s start time and its end time.

The start time is taken to be:

Production Date + Contract Hour

The end time is taken to be the start time + 24 hours


Used to calculate an expression at the time the report is run. The expression must be a script expression, as steady state expressions are not supported.


If result is numeric, specifies the number of decimal places to display

Scaling Factor

If result is numeric, the value is multiplied by the scaling factor prior to being added to the report

Value Source

Script expression to run

Time Frame Notes

Provides the results of the expression at the time when the report is run

Complex Variable Log

Most I/O tag types log a single value to the Historian. Some tag types, like the Meter Run tag, log several (or in this case hundreds) of variables as a single record (pipe diameter, gas compositions, etc.). For our purposes as they relate to PVR reports, we are calling these tags that log multiple values “complex” tags.

The Complex Variable Log value type allows you to add to your PVR report a single logged variable from a complex tag. Unlike all of the other value type options, which give you their value at a snapshot in time, this will produce the full list of all values saved to the historian within the time-span of the report. Note that this means that an entity containing Complex Variable Log value types will not necessarily give you a single line in the PVR report; it may give you multiple lines, or one line, or none at all, depending on how many records exist in the historian.

The complex tag itself, and any settings pertaining to it, is configured in the Settings tab.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display for each logged value

Scaling Factor

Each logged value is multiplied by the scaling factor prior to being added to the report

Value Source

The Value Source should be the name of the variable within the complex tag

Time Frame Notes

This value type will return every record logged to this historian between the day’s start time and its end time.

The start time is taken to be:

Production Date + Contract Hour

The end time is taken to be the start time + 24 hours

Daily Summary View

The Value Types: Contract Hour Data, Data Without TimeStamp, Contract Hour Data (Lag), Data Without TimeStamp, and Daily Statistic, provide a means of creating single- or multi-day summaries (shown below). The number of days and offset from production date can be specified, as well as the type of statistic (total, average, maximum, minimum) to apply to the data set.


Value is a Time Stamp

Shown only for Value Type, Complex Variable Log.

PVR Report Entity properties Settings tab

Omit from Title

Will prevent this entity’s column titles from being output to the report, even if the parent PVR Report Definition tag is configured to include titles.

Complex Variable Log Source

This option is used in conjunction with the Complex Variable Log value type (previous tab). Enter the name of the tag that is associated with the history, relative to the tag that is the basis of the report. It is within this tag that the report will search for the variable name specified by the value source field of a complex variable log.

Note that this single tag will be used by each of the complex variable log entries defined on the “Entity Parameters” tab. If you need to get values from another tag...

Only include records where the variable is equal to .

This will filter the results of the complex variable log search to return only history records where the specified variable or parameter is equal to the specified value. This variable may be, but does not have to be, one of the variables that are specified on the “Entity Parameters” tab

Use record generation timestamp for complex variable logs

Determines how the historian searches for data in the complex variable log. To understand this parameter, it is important to understand how the VTScada historian logs data.

When any tagged record is logged to the VTScada historian, it is logged in conjunction with a timestamp. Often this timestamp is the current time when the variable is logged, but sometimes a specific timestamp is used instead (for example, when hourly or daily history logs are read, data from many days or hours are entered into the historian at once). In addition to this primary timestamp, the historian also logs the time at which the record was written.

When the historian is later queried for data, it is the standard timestamp that is used to define the data range (e.g. bring back all records between Jan. 1 and Jan. 2). This is usually the desired behavior for the complex variable logs as well, but on rare occasions it may be necessary to bring back all records that were written within a certain period, regardless of whether the data contained in those records is associated with that time period or not.

Select this option to allow that to happen.

Days of history to search when using record generation timestamp

Determines how far back to go for history when the “Use Record Generation Timestamp for Complex Variable Logs” box is checked.

All queries to the VTScada historian are done against the standard timestamp associated with the data. In order to use record generation timestamps instead, the PVR report queries a large amount of history and then filters it based on the generation timestamp afterward. This parameter determines how far back to go for data, noting that the more data you capture, the longer the report will take to run.