Camera Viewer Widget

Used by:  Camera tag

* Does not use the Style Settings tag.

The Camera Viewer widget is used to display the live feed from the camera specified in the linked Camera Tag.

Within the Idea Studio, this widget shows only as a placeholder, never as a live image. In the operator view, it will display the feed from the attached camera if available. If the image feed is not available, then a gray rectangle is shown instead.

To use this tool on either a thick client (workstation) or the VIC, the workstation requires the optional WebView2 component, which is built on the Edge browser from Microsoft. (The Anywhere Client does not require WebView2 to be installed.)
If WebView2 is not installed, it can be obtained by running the VTScada or VIC installer and selecting the option to install WebView2. Alternatively it can be downloaded from Microsoft, via the Evergreen Bootstrapper Installer or via the Evergreen Standalone Installer for machines with restricted access to the Internet.

Other than a link to the selected Camera tag, there are no user-configurable options within this widget.


Tools\Standard Library\Camera