Export Comm Log Widget

Not linked to any tag.

* Does not use the Style Settings tag.

This widget is useful only to gather diagnostic information, usually when troubleshooting an issue with Trihedral's technical support team.

The Export Comm Log Widget is a button that users can press to export communication log files instantly rather than waiting for a time or numeric limit to trigger the write.

The action triggered by this widget applies only to communication modules for the Alarm Notification System including the voice modem Call Manager, SMS Appliances, Twilio and VoIP. Other modules that generate log or trace files are not affected.

When a user triggers an export, an empty record will be added to the end of any communication trace files in use by the application (application or system as selected). A message similar to "Force Trace File Generation" will be associated with the new record. All diagnostic information currently in memory will be transferred to the trace files.

Advanced users can perform the same action using the Source Debugger. The button is far more convenient for most users.

The properties dialog for an Export Comm Log Button widget:

At least one of App Logs or System Logs must be selected or else this button will have no effect. Refer to the following notes.


Text to display on the button. Defaults to "Comm Log".


The font used to display the label. Defaults to the current system font.

App Logs

When selected, logs generated by the application are flushed to the relevant trace files.

This includes Twilio, SMSAppliance and CallManager but not VoIP.

System Logs

When selected, logs generated by the system are flushed to the relevant trace files.

This includes VoIP but not Twilio, SMSAppliance and CallManager.

