Program Spawn Widget

Not linked to any tag.

* Does not use the Style Settings tag.

The Program Spawn widget is drawn as a button on any page. In response to being clicked, it will run any configured program that can be found on your computer.

This widget will generally work on a VIC connection, provided that the program being spawned exists in the same path on the client computer as it does on the server. Test to be sure that your selected programs can be spawned by your clients.
On the Anywhere Client, Spawn can be used to open a web link but not run any program
This widget does not work with the MIC client.

Program Spawn is commonly used to open a notebook or spreadsheet.

The properties dialog for the Program Spawn widget:

Program Path and Name

The full path to the program to run.

If the program accepts parameters (such as the name of a file to open), they may be provided after the name of the executable file.

If the command, or if one of the parameters contains a space then enclose the command or the parameter in double quotation marks.

For example, the path to the program file may contain spaces, in which case you must enclose it in quotation marks:

"C:\Program Files\My Program\Run Program.exe" 

The path to the program and the name of the executable file both contain spaces, therefore this requires quotation marks.

"C:\Program Files\My Program\Run Program.exe" NewFile.txt

The parameter has no spaces, therefore it does not need to be enclosed in quotation marks.

"C:\Program Files\My Program\Run Program.exe" "New File.txt"

The parameter has a space, therefore must be enclosed in a separate set of quotation marks.

Button Text

The label that will be displayed on the button. Should inform the operator of what to expect when the button is pressed.

Basic Components\Specialty\Misc\

Tools\Standard Library\