AlarmStatRange0 - AlarmStatRange3

The four AlarmStatRangeN properties control the time period for each of the four statistics in the Alarm Details dialog.

Each set of properties should be stored in the [SYSTEM] section of your Settings.Dynamic file. The default values are shown here.

Top left box:

AlarmStatRange0 = 1

Top right box:

AlarmStatRange1 = 10

Bottom left box:

AlarmStatRange2 = 30

Bottom right box:

AlarmStatRange3 = 90


Example: You wish to display alarm statistics for a seven-day period instead of ten days in the upper right box.

  1. Open the Application Configuration dialog.
  2. Switch to the Advanced display mode.
  3. Click the Insert button.
  4. Name the new property, AlarmStatRange1.
  5. Leave the section set to System.
  6. Set the value to 7.

The statistics dialog will now show values for 1, 7, 30 and 90 days.