
Controls whether a user's request for a control token will be added to the request list.

For example, when set to 1 (the default) user requests for a control token will always be added to the token request list if another user currently has a control token that applies to said tag. If set to 0, then no user request will ever be added to the request list. For all other values of this property, the result of a user's request for a token will depend on whether the priority level of the request is greater (lower level number) than the priority level of the existing token, or less. (Other comparisons are possible.)


Section: System

Default: ControlTokenManualRequestOption = 1


Possible values:

0 Never
1 Always
2 If request level priority > token level priority
(lower number / higher priority takes precedence)
3 If request level priority >= token level priority
4 If request level priority < token level priority
5 If request level priority <= token level priority
6 If request level priority == token level priority
7 If request level priority != token level priority