Recipe Proportions Tag

An optional tag that can modify the value of one or more Recipe Ingredient tags.

If you are building your first recipe, start by reading Recipes and Batch Processing before creating recipe-related tags and widgets.

Different ingredients can have different Recipe Proportions tags, but you cannot combine proportions. In other words, you cannot apply a multiplier to an ingredient in addition to applying a portion of total.

Examples are provided following the description of this tag.

Recipe Proportions tag, Settings tab

Proportions can be defined in either of two ways:

Ingredients are multiplied at batch run time

If you need to double or triple a batch from one run to the next, create a single Recipe Proportions tag and use that in each Recipe Ingredient tag.

If ingredient amounts should not scale equally, create as many Recipe Proportions tags as required to define the multiplier for each ingredient. Refer to the caution text later in this topic if the multipliers require decimal values or ingredients will have decimal values after scaling.

Used in this way, you will be prompted for the multiplier amount when running the batch.

Ingredients must add up to [n]

Sets a total amount for two or more ingredients. Within the Recipe page, one or more ingredients can be "locked", meaning "user-set". The other ingredients that use the same Recipe Proportions tag will change to equally make up the required total. To set a series of varying proportions, you might set and lock the amount for the first ingredient, then the second, etc. The final unlocked ingredient will adjust automatically to complete the total.

Used in this way, you will not be prompted for the total amount when running the batch.

Ingredient amounts and Recipe Proportions must be compatible with your PLC and the driver. For example, with standard Modbus, all values are integers unless your PLC can read and write /Float values. If using a standard Modbus device and not using /Float addresses, you cannot multiply an ingredient amount by a decimal value or write an ingredient value that contains a decimal portion.

In all cases, the capabilities of your PLC are the final word on what is possible.

Example: Proportions Multiplier

A Recipe Proportions tag named Batch Size is created and configured as shown:

   (Click to expand)

All ingredients that are materials added to the recipe are configured to use this Recipe Proportions tag:

On running the batch, you are prompted for a value to use in the multiplier:

The result is a batch that is doubled in size.

Example: Portion of a Total

For one loaf of bread, the amount of flour must be 300g. But that might be made up of a combination of different types of flour. All other ingredients remain the same for the recipe.

A Recipe Proportions tag named Flour Ratio is created and configured as shown:

Each ingredient that specifies an amount of a flour is configured to use this Recipe Proportions tag:

To create a recipe for whole wheat bread, set the amount for white flour to 200g and lock. The other flours are adjusted automatically to make up the difference:

Set the amount of rye flour to 0 and lock. The amount of whole wheat flour is adjusted automatically to make up the 300g requirement:

Save the recipe as "Whole Wheat Bread - 1 Loaf".