Digital Control Tags

Counted towards your tag license limit.

This is a legacy tag type. You are advised to use the I/O and Calculations Tag instead.
Use this legacy type only if you are certain that it contains unique features that are absolutely necessary to your work.

Digital Control tags transmit digital data that is entered by the user or from another tag and write it to an I/O device.

A Digital Control tag might be used to turn a pump off or on, open a valve, or change the mode of a device from manual to auto.

Retained or Persisted values

Analog Control and Analog Output tags will both retain their last written value across application restarts. Use these tags when there is a need for a value to persist.

String I/O tags with output enabled, and with no driver ("No tag selected" rather than the default, "[*Driver] None found") will retain their last written value across application restarts.

The Digital Control and Digital Output tags do not have a similar feature, but an analog tag can be used in their place, writing a zero or a one. If the intent is to write a clear zero or one with an analog tag, both the scaled and unscaled range should be adjusted for a minimum value of zero and a maximum value of one, so that scaling does not adjust the values.

Digital Control properties I/O tab

The I/O Tab contains properties used to identify and establish a connection to the communication driver tag being used to exchange data with your physical I/O device (e.g. PLC or RTU), or to the Polling drive responsible for determining the order and rate at which data polls will occur.

Digital Control - I/O Properties

I/O Device

Select the communication driver tag to which data will be written.

By default, the tag will look for a parent tag that is a device driver (..\*Driver). If none is found, the text "--Missing--" will be displayed. The tag button to the right of the field opens the tag browser, from which you can either select an existing communication driver tag or add a new one. The X button will clear the field. Right-clicking on a tag in the field will open a dialog with which you can add or remove a Parameter Expression or open a selected driver's properties dialog.


Provide the address within the I/O device to which this tag is to write data. This value must match the configuration of your PLC or RTU hardware. Refer to the Addressing topic for your device driver for guidance.

For some drivers (SNMP and the OPC Client) an address browser is provided to assist you.

Pulse Duration

If you are using a pulsed signal, enter the duration of the pulse here in seconds or decimal parts of a second.

If the value of Pulse Duration is 0 or blank (Invalid), then a constant value will be written to the I/O device.

A pulsed output is used to send a 1; seldom if ever, a zero. Use care with the configuration of the linked widget or multi-write tag.

Data Source

The value output by the control can be supplied by a data source. For a digital control, the values supplied by the data source should be limited to 1 or 0 (true or false).

Invert Output

Reverse the value of the output before writing.

Invert Data Source

Reverse the value coming from the data source before using.

Digital Control properties Feedback tab

The Feedback tab can be used to select an alarm, alarm priority, digital status, or Digital Control tag that will provide feedback when this tag's control action has successfully been completed.

Digital Control - Feedback tab


The Feedback field enables you to specify an existing alarm, alarm priority, digital status, or Digital Control tag whose value can be used to determine whether the control action for this tag was successful. When a value is output by this tag, the feedback tag reads its value from the I/O device at the same address, and compares this value with the expected value(s) configured in the Feedback At State 0 and Feedback At State 1 spin boxes (see following notes).

If the Pulse Duration property for this tag (as set on the I/O tab) is set to a valid value greater than 0 (i.e. a pulsed signal), then the Feedback At State 0 property is ignored, as the logic assumes that the control attempt is always to drive the value of the feedback tag to the Feedback At State 1 value.

The 0 state may be inverted to a 1 before writing to the I/O device if this tag's Invert Output property (I/O tab) is set to 1 (true).

Feedback At State 0

If the Pulse Duration property for this tag, as set on the I/O tab, is set to any of: 0 (the default), invalid, or blank (i.e. a non-pulsed signal) then...

The Feedback At State 0 spin box should be set to the value you expect for the selected Feedback tag when this tag has successfully gone to the 0 state. For example, if you've configured this tag to stop a motor by issuing a value of 0 to the I/O device, you would expect the feedback tag (e.g. a Digital Status tag) to read a 0 back from the I/O device, indicating that your output was received.

Feedback At State 1

If the Pulse Duration property for this tag, as set on the I/O tab, is set to any of: 0 (the default), invalid, or blank (i.e. a non-pulsed signal), then...

The Feedback At State 1 spin box can be used to set the value you expect for the feedback tag when this tag has successfully gone to the 1 state. For example, if you've configured this tag to stop a motor by issuing a value of 1 to the I/O device, you would expect that the feedback tag (e.g. a Digital Status tag) would read 1 back from the I/O device, indicating that the value was received.

This value can be used as the source for an Alarm tag with a time delay to alert the operator that the requested output change has not had the desired effect within a reasonable period of time.

Digital Control properties Merit tab


Select a custom security privilege (Protect Pages and Output Tags) from this drop down to limit the operation of this control to only those operators who have been granted the matching security privilege.

Questionable Data

Use the Questionable Data parameter to flag this tag’s data in the event that you suspect the values it is reporting might not be accurate, or when this tag has initially been created and you wish to ensure that its data is marked for extra monitoring.

Digital Control - Merit tab

Digital Control properties Display tab


When this tag is represented on screen by widgets that can use a Style Settings tag, you can save development time by choosing the Style Settings tag that holds the correct display configuration for this tag instance. (See: Style Settings Tags)

The default configuration will search for the first parent tag of the Style Settings type. If there is none, it will use System Style, which is the default style tag that is automatically part of every new VTScada application.

Off Text

Optionally configure text that will be displayed in some of the tag's widgets when the value of this tag is 0 or false / off.

On Text

Optionally configure text that will be displayed in some of the tag's widgets when the value of the tag is 1 or true / on.

Display Order

Used to specify the placement of this tag when viewed in an associated station dialog. See Order tab for further details.

Confirmation Prompts for Output Tags - Control options for confirmation prompt text.